Wood Varnish
Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor
Varnish Topcoat and Sealer
Wood Varnish
Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor
Varnish Topcoat and Sealer

Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Topcoat and Sealer

Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Sealer is an aromatic, two-component urethane sealer that provides for the good adhesion of Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Topcoat.
Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Topcoat is an aromatic, two-component urethane topcoat that provides wooden surfaces a tough, non-slip, mar-resistant film upon curing.


Use only kiln-dried wood.
Sand surface until wood is smooth to the touch.
Hammer all nails deep enough to apply wood filler.
Dust off surfaces completely then wipe with a clean rag.


Sealer: 3.5-Liters of Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Sealer should be thoroughly mixed with ½ Liter of its catalyst. The product workability is only for 4 hours, maximum. Any unused material will gel.
Topcoat: Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Topcoat is mixed with its catalyst on a 3:1 ratio by volume, respectively. Maximum workability of mixture is 4 hours. Any unused material will gel.


Sealer (1st and 2nd coats): Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Sealer

Topcoat (3rd to 5th coats): Hudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Topcoat


Allow the product to cure for 3 days for foot traffic abrasion and 7 days for heavy-duty use.
Paint SystemProductQuantity
SealerHudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Sealer12L
TopcoatHudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Topcoat18L
Thinning Solvent for Sealer and TopcoatHudson®® Polyurethane Floor Varnish Reducer8L
Application using brush. For spray-applied, thin not more than 1:1 mixing ratio of Hudson®® Polyurethane Reducer.
* Quantity shown will only be an estimate
  1 Gallon = 4 Liters
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